One of a Kind ...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Its the weekend!

Hi again blog! ;P Its the weekend.. right now its still Sat thou, gonna be Sunday in half an hours time!

Well today has been such a relaxing day so far, I accompanied my mom to the market in the morning and then came home, marinated the chicken wings and then I helped her to fry them. Then at 5pm, my sweetheart called me and said he just woke up... I think its pretty sweet of him, coz I've noticed that when he wakes up, the first thing he does is to call me... :)

Then I watched some music videos via u-tube and logged into Facebook, hmmm... lotsa junks as usual and some friends' requests. Later on, I had a short nap and my mom woke me up saying that she is heading out with her sister. I did not feel sleepy anymore and I decided to give my bestfriend, Hidayah a call, we talked for like more than an hour and she was telling me lotsa lotsa stuff...which we always do to each other... hahaa..Fun.

So now, I'm waiting for my sweetheart to fetch me and then we'll head to vivo city to watch 'Get Smart', the movie is at 12.20am, n right now itself, my sweetheart had just called me to say he's driving to my place to fetch dear blog, Ive to go now.... Gooodnite!!
posted by The Scribbler at Saturday, June 21, 2008 1 comments
