One of a Kind ...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thank you.

I realised that one does not need to have a bunch of friends to be happy. We just need one to be there for us, to lift us up in times of sorrows & pain.

I have realised that I do have a friend who is always there for me. Yes, if you are reading this, you know who you are. Me & her, we could talk about almost everything in life, every single thing. We share the deepest secrets & we talk everything open-mindedly. I treasure her alot.

Thank you for being there for me.
posted by The Scribbler at Sunday, March 29, 2009 1 comments

My brief review on Gran Torino

Spent the weekend watching movies. Yesterday, I watched Gran Torino. It was an interesting movie of an elderly man, living in a neighbourhood which is quite multi-racial, I would say. His wife just passed away and he was living all alone. Some chaotic scenes took place due to gangsterism.

Clint Eastwood(the elderly man), played a man with a very, I would call it stubborn character. He was a man who is terribly strict and not a friendly one I supposed, but then later on, due to persistent approaches and incidents which occured,he tend to become a better person. In the story, he spoke of war and how he was involved in it, I do not really comprehend it but I would like to make a guess that he was from the military(that explained his strict/disciplined attitude.

However, the ending part nearly brought me to tears, he made such a sacrifice to get all those gangsters nabbed. What made me feel good was that I believe he died in peace.

All in all, I would rate the movie ..... 4 popcorns!! outta 5 :)

You may think why am I only telling the beginning and the ending? It is because I want you to watch it. It is a very recommended one.

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posted by The Scribbler at Sunday, March 29, 2009 0 comments
