One of a Kind ...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Happier U

I just read on the papers about Oprah's losing & gaining of weight.

Well, what I'm gonna write now, may or may not have anything to do with her, it depends on how you take it. I am not very sure, perhaps you could tell me ? ;P

I love to observe and ponder on stuff and from what I have observed, eventually I personally feel that, if one decides to shed off some fats from his/her body in order to look much slimmer, to look better for the society or in other words to make the society feel good abt him/her, tendency is that, the person may not stay in their current state for a long time. Reason is simply because, he/she is doing it for the public and NOT for himself/herself, all he/she cares alot is about what the public thinks.

This is what I think, one should go on a diet with an objective which states, 'I want to go on a diet because I want to be fit, I want to have a much slimmer body, I want to have a better lifestyle, I want to be much healthier and most importantly, I am doing it for myself.' Well of course, there are cases whereby , you really want to go on a diet in order to make yourself look better to the person you are very attracted to OR mostly for the ladies, its nearing your wedding day and you badly want to fit in that beautiful white satin/silky wedding dress and look really good in it. However, I think you should always remember, that you need to make yourself feel good before you actually can make others feel good about you. You need to be happy with yourself and you need to love yourself before you can let others actually do the same to you.

FYI,I am NOT at any point, trying to say that plump, obese or etc people don't look good, what I am trying to convey here is very simple, if you would like to make any changes in your life(not just in losing weight), also changes like trying to improve in your studies or in your work or trying to achieve something, you should do it because you want to do it for yourself and all the other people can come in 2nd to that. Only then, you will be much more motivated to reach your goals.

Most of you may think, that of course whatever you are doing, it is very common sensical that you are doing it for yourself, but think again, are you really doing it for yourself all these while? Well, to be frank with you, I have experienced this before, therefore, I am still learning from it all.

Btw, have you ever heard of this saying ,''People will always talk about you, so might as well give them something to talk about" ;P
No one is perfect, so live your life the way you want it to be and don't take critisms to heart. Love yourself first b4 others can do the same to you. ('',)
posted by The Scribbler at Thursday, December 11, 2008 0 comments

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why do pornstars always forget to take off their killer heels?

I was just browsing through my contacts on MSN, I have the habit of reading my contacts' personalized nicks. Sometimes, they do crack me up and sometimes, some of theirs' just seem to be very depressing, suicidal or may appear to sound very fierce. On one fine day, my friend's nick caught my eyes, his nick was 'Why do pornstars always forget to take off their shoes'.

Come to think of it, yeah, I realised that pornstars always have their heels on, they take everything else off leaving their killer heels. Well come on, I know the very next thing you will have on your mind is , "Zuli watches porn!Zuli watches porn"(you may be chanting it in the tune of 'U cannot catch me, U cannot catch me')
Be realistic, everyone watches it, I am not an avid fan but porn does taught me a thing or two. Like duhhh,some of you may find it helpful too, well obviously not for masturbating purposes but yea, it does helps me. Alright let's not get into that so much. ;P

Just some days ago, I discussed this with my bf and he told me something like this.
'Pornstars will eventually take off everything on them to have sex, therefore, they needed something which still makes them look sexy so they have their heels on'
Well, he thinks its something like that, and I agree with him, he has a point there.

I pondered on 'how come high heel can make one looks kinda sexy and the following are the top 5 benefits high heels may bring to us women.

5. According to an article, by putting on a pair of high heels, one may appear to look taller(like obviously!), and yes read this, your legs will somehow looks longer and not to forget they will appear to look slimmer. Well folks, its not magic, it really does happen.

4. High heels actually helps to straighten our posture because high heels are a forcible way to correct posture as the extra height of the heels requires a far more upright stance when walking then does regular shoes.

3. High heels do wonders for your stride, but walking in high heels is not a natural talent--it's learned skill, perfected by practice and discipline. So when you are out there seducing your man, you can make use of heels to perfect your sexy moves and be confident when doing those struts. Pornstars may need those confident sexy moves alot for their videos to be more wanted.

2. I did some research and would like to share the following info with you all:
A recent study suggested that wearing high heels may improve the tone of a woman's pelvic floor.
You may read on more on that in here,

1.Well lets face the fact, when you have your sexy lingerie on, your smoky eye look and your full pouty lips on, its incomplete not to have those heels on. Also when you do those lapdance, high heels actually helps you to glide and make those seductive moves. So obviously, pornstars would need that alot, afterall they need to seduce the men in their videos ;) Taadahhh!

Also, here are some benefits of wearing those high heels which I read up in Wikipedia.

* they change the angle of the foot with respect to the lower leg, which accentuates the appearance of calves
* they change the wearer's posture, requiring a more upright carriage and altering the gait in what is considered a seductive fashion
* they make the wearer appear taller
* they make the legs appear longer
* they make the foot appear smaller
* they make the lower leg muscles more defined while wearing tight pants
* they make the wearer look flexibly strong.

But ladies, there are also disadvantages in wearing heels too often:
Experts do not recommend wearing high heels frequently and for too long, as wearing them continuously may result in foot ache, blisters, cones etc. Furthermore, wearing high heels can cause permanent damage to the foot and calf muscles. Expectant mothers and heart patients are also advised to keep away from high heels.

All in all, I guess nothing is perfect in this world and everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Heels are definitely a beautiful creation and even though I don't wear much of heels as I am already tall and will look like really tall with heels, I somehow feel sexier whenever I have heels on :)

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posted by The Scribbler at Tuesday, December 09, 2008 1 comments
